Originally aired April 10, 2020 

Macro-Economic Update: C19 Effects

We are in unprecedented times. COVID-19’s effect on the economy is already in progress and business leaders are looking for answers about the projected length of the downturn, what it means for their organizations, and how we’ll rebound. Many believe that this experience will usher a new way of working and accelerate the future of work.

Catalant Co-Founder Rob Biederman and Economist and Founder of Cortus Advisors, Peter Fisher walk through the effects COVID-19 will have on our economy and how it will change the way we work forever. During the virtual event, they cover:

  • Macro-economic background
  • Differences from the 2008 financial crisis
  • Summary of the fiscal stimulus
  • Forward-looking Scenarios
  • Implications for the way we work

Access the recording to hear Rob and Peter's conversation from this special edition virtual event.

April 10_2020_Peter Fisher_VE_Edited.png

Access the Recording

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Previous LiveCasts

01: What Smart Organizations Know About Digital Transformation

July 10TH 

02: Cost Optimization from the Crow's Nest to Drive Efficiency

Septmber 10TH 

03: How to Accelerate Growth with Customer Centricity

October 16TH 

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Meet Your Hosts

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About Rob Biederman

Rob Biederman is the co-founder and co-CEO of Catalant Technologies, the market leader enabling companies to get from strategy to execution faster.

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About Peter Fisher

Peter is the founder of Cortus Advisors, a growth strategy and new business development advisory firm, with over 25 years of experience in strategic new business development, organizational transformation, new product development, and thought leadership in financial services and other sectors.
